Sunday, April 24, 2011

Moreton stars

Moreton stars, originally uploaded by greenplasticdave.

Being out on Moreton Island the skies were subject to less light polution than the mainland so I tried a quick 30 minute star trail.

Stacked 30 second esposures.

Canon EOS 40D, Sigma 10-20mm

Wednesday, April 20, 2011


Wrecked!, originally uploaded by greenplasticdave.

The remains of the Kallatina, scuttled at Bulwer on Moreton Island in 1931.

Canon EOS 40D, Sigma 10-20mm, Lee 0.9 hard grad

Stick with it

Stick with it, originally uploaded by greenplasticdave.

Comboyuro Point, Moreton Island.

Canon EOS 40D, Sigma 10-20mm lens, Lee 0.9 hard grad

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Comboyuro Point, Moreton Island

I've spent the last four days on the beautiful Moreton Island for work ( It's a hard life I know) I was treated to spectacular sunrise/sunsets most days. This was taken near the north end of the island looking back over towards the mainland. If you look at it large you can see the Glass house Mountains just right of the setting sun.

Canon EOS 40D, Sigma 10-20mm, 0.9 hard grad.