Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Point Cartwright

Point Cartwright, originally uploaded by greenplasticdave.

Another image from Saturday's sunrise shoot at Point Cartwright. I really love this location and can't wait to go back again. I wish I lived closer :)

Taken on an Olympus C-7070 using a 0.9 hard grad. Tone mapped in DPHDR from a single RAW file.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Point Arkwright

Point Arkwright, originally uploaded by greenplasticdave.

During the night some thieves pinched our esky from the campsite :( We found it near the beach with its contents strewn about the bush and all the Caramello Koalas gone :( Two good sunrises in a row made up for it though. This was taken on Sunday morning near the southern carpark at Point Arkwright. Another great location and one I'll be keen to return to again.

Taken on an Olympus C-7070 using a 0.9 hard grad. 4 shot panorama stitched in PTGui.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Point Cartwright

Point Cartwright, originally uploaded by greenplasticdave.

I really enjoyed my first visit to Point Cartwright, there's so much potential with all the rocks, waves and reflections.

Three shot panorama taken on an Olympus C-7070 using a .9 hard grad. Stitched in PTGui.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Nudgee Beach

Nudgee Beach, originally uploaded by greenplasticdave.

A bit too cloudy for some really nice colour in the skies this morning but I got some nice streaky cloud action :)

4 shot panorama taken on an Olympus C7070. I had to use a polariser, two ND filters and a 0.9 grad to get enough cloud movement. Stitched in PTGui. Tone mapped in DPHDR.

And not a mozzie in sight :P

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Just before the heavens opened

Lake Samsonvale this evening just a few minutes before the sun went down. The weather had been changing dramatically all day and I was hoping for a nice sunset but it was not to be. Seconds after I took this shot a torrential downpour rolled in. I was only 20m from the car but I still got soaked :P

Three shot pano taken on an Olympus C7070. I used a Hoya ND filter, 0.9 and 0.6 grad to get a long enough shutter speed to smooth out the water. I tone mapped the images in DPHDR before stitching them in PTGui.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Lake Samsonvale

Lake Samsonvale, originally uploaded by greenplasticdave.

I took a drive to Lake Samsonvale yesterday afternoon to catch the sunset.

This is a three shot pano shot in RAW format. I tone mapped each in DPHDR before stitching in PTGui.