Very low tide this morning. Taken on a Canon EOS 40D and Sigma 10-20mm. HDR [-2,0,+2]
To answer any post processing questions, here's what I do. I've gathered this workflow after reading what other do and trying some things of my own.
1 - Open one of the three bracketed exposures in Canon DPP and adjust for white balance. I usually bring the contrast right down as well, sharpen and apply the landscape preset.
2 - Copy that 'recipe' then apply it to the other two bracketed images then run a batch process to output three TIFF files.
3 - Open these TIFF files in Dynamic Photo HDR and play around with the settings to get something I like. On this one I used the 'eyecatching' preset and fiddled around with the options a bit there. Be careful to avoid the 'haloing' effect common to HDR (unless you are aiming for that) by being easy on the radius/light strength options. Save to a TIFF file.
4 - Open the new TIFF file in Photohsop. I'm using CS2 at the moment. I apply an s-curve layer set to 'multiply', 'soft' or 'hard' and then I adjust the opacity till I get something I like. Flatten image.
5 - If parts of the image are still not dark or light or saturated enough I open another layer and adjust the levels accordingly then apply a layer mask to reveal the adjusted sections. Flatten image.
6 - Noise Ninja if necessary. Sharpen. Save to JPEG.
I'm no Photoshop expert. There may be redundant steps. This is what works for me at my stage of learning.
Monday, June 28, 2010
Firey skies
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Nudgee Pan
Six shot, HDR panorama [-2,0,+2] taken at Nudgee this morning.
Canon EOS 40D, Sigma 10-20mm.
Friday, June 25, 2010
This morning out at Shorncliffe. The clouds looked a lot more promising when I arrived but grew thicker and thicker till the sun rose. I thought that if I waited till the sun had risen high enough then some light would peek through and illuminate these clouds here. The wait paid off :)
Taken with a Canon EOS 40D, Sigma 10-20mm and a 0.9 hard grad.
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Point Arkwright
Taken at a mini-meetup with Camocarzi and Adam Randell. There was a chill wind blowing but it was a fun shoot, with a bit of dashing done on my behalf to get the 'good' sky. On either side of this colourful patch were thick grey clouds and a drab emptyness. T'was fun to find a nice comp as colour drained from the sky :P
Canon EOS 40D, Sigma 10-20mm and a 0.9 hard grad that really needs replacing :)
Friday, June 4, 2010
"The skyline was beautiful on fire..."
Some nice layered clouds formed in the sky this afternoon. As I left work I just knew I had to get out and shoot something. This was taken at a little pond in the 'Albany Creek Memorial Gardens and Cemetery'.
Shot with a Canon EOS 40D, Sigma 10-20mm and 0.9 hard grad.
The title is a quote from "The Dead Flag Bues" by Godspeed You Black Emperor!