Friday, May 21, 2010

Lake Windemere B&W

Lake Windemere B&W, originally uploaded by greenplasticdave.

Taken during our trip to the UK last year.

Shot with a Canon EOS 40D and Sigma 10-20mm lens. Straightened and cropped slightly. B&W conversion done with Silvereffex.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Clam up!

Clam up!, originally uploaded by greenplasticdave.

I borrowed this huge shell that belonged to my wife's great grandfather and lugged it out to Nudgee Beach to use as foreground interest. Let me tell you, that thing is HEAVY. Must be about 10Kg easily.

Taken on a Canon EOS 40D, Sigma 10-20mm lens and a 0.9 hard grad. 30", f/11.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

After the sun rose

After the sun rose, originally uploaded by greenplasticdave.

There's something about that tree at Nudgee Beach that works so well :)

Three shot panorama taken on an Olympus C-7070 with a 0.9 hard grad.