It was a very high tide this morning so I took advantage of this and explored the rocky shore beyond the pier at Shorncliffe.
Olympus C-7070, 0.9 hard grad.
Friday, April 23, 2010
Shorncliffe at high tide
Monday, April 19, 2010
Sometimes I love my job :)
6 shot pano of the beach and wrecks at Tangalooma on Moreton Island. On our final day on the island we drove back down the coast from Comboyuro Beach at almost high tide. The soft sand higher up the beach was tricky to navigate and sometimes we had no choice but to drive through the surf for a moment.
Shot on an Olympus C-7070 with a 0.9 hard grad.
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Moreton Island
I got to spend 4 days on Moreton Island last week. It was my first time there and also my first experience driving on sand.
This shot was taken on an Olympus C-7070 with a 0.9 hard grad. There were lots of Blue Bottle jellyfish in the surf which I thought would have been a real problem but they weren't any trouble at all thankfully. The high wind was also a problem throwing sand and sea spray onto the camera.
Saturday, April 10, 2010
High tide at Nudgee Beach
Three shot panorama taken on an Olympus C-7070 with a 0.9 hard grad. Each exposure was 40 seconds long at f/8. Stitched in PTGui.
To take this I had to wade out pretty far into the water, almost waist high. I wanted to get the base of the trees as close to the horizon as possible so I needed to get the camera as low as it would go. Using the tripod I had the camera JUST above the water line. This was only possible due to the extremely gentle waves lapping at the tripod.
Monday, April 5, 2010
Dicky Beach
We spent four days up on the Sunshine Coast for Easter. Heaps of photo-ops :)
6 shot pano taken on Friday morning. Taken using an Olympus C-7070 and 0.9 hard grad. Stitched using PTGui.